Challenger Mobile Allows for Global Calls at Local Rates

Challenger mobile launches its free global telephony service into the pre-pay realm. All owners of the Eseries, N80ie or N95 handsets can now pay a low monthly fee of $9.90 and get access to the company's NEW features: "Challenger out", "Challenger in" and "Challenger forwarding" - all offering true mobile savings and benefits.

Through the new Challenger out feature, Challenger mobile account holders can easily call both landlines and mobiles all over the world at local rates.

Challenger in is a ready-to-buy local phone number that lets people call the subscriber at local rates, no matter where he or she is in the world.

The third new feature, Challenger forwarding, is a call forwarding service that ensures any incoming internet calls are forwarded the Challenger mobile customer's regular mobile phone number, whenever they are not online.

"Launching these new features lies perfectly within our strategy to take internet calling to a whole new level in the mobile world. We are incredibly excited to offer our customers the unique opportunity to take their mobile communications needs into the next century," says Carl-Johan Grund, Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer of Challenger mobile.

The company does not only serve end customers through it's own web channel, but also provides its fully hosted (and alternatively white label) service to mobile operators, enablers and service providers all over the world. "Following strong demand from both the consumer and business segments, we are now happy to license our technology through partnership channels that align well with our own beliefs and strategies," says Carl-Johan Grund.

To see if your phone supports Challenger mobile or to sign up, go to

Posted on Jul 10, 2007  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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