Vonage Answers the Call for E911 in Los Angeles

Vonage Holdings Corp., a leading provider of broadband telephone service, announced that its subscribers in Los Angeles, California, are now equipped with Enhanced 911 (E911) - a feature that automatically associates a physical address with the calling party's telephone number.

In addition to Los Angeles, Vonage recently turned up E911 at more than 125 local run emergency call centers across the U.S. in less than one month -- bringing the total percentage of Vonage U.S. subscriber lines that have E911 to over 89 percent.

Vonage's nomadic E911 solution gives customers the ability to reach a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), or 911 center, through the dedicated 911 network infrastructure. With Vonage's nomadic E911 solution, a customer's call is automatically routed to the appropriate 911 center, with the caller's registered street address and telephone number appearing on the dispatcher screen -- regardless of where or what exchange they are calling from. Vonage was the first to provide nomadic VoIP E911 in California, and will continue to turn up and test new PSAPs that are VoIP-ready every day.

"Turning up Los Angeles is a tremendous step for Vonage, as thousands more subscriber lines in California, one of Vonage's largest markets, now have full E911 capability," said Vonage CEO Mike Snyder. "In less than one month, Vonage equipped more than 100 locally run calling centers with E911. Vonage will continue to work with the FCC, regulators Congress and public safety officials until PSAPs across the nation are equipped with E911."

Posted on Sep 15, 2006  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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