4PSA Presents The Social Unified Communications Group on LinkedIn

4psa_logo1.gif4PSA announces the revamp of its online discussion group on LinkedIn under a new name, The Social Unified Communications Group.

Previously known as VoipNow, the group has been created and shaped based on 4PSA's award-winning Unified Communications solution with the goal of granting VoipNow users a place that facilitates the exchange of information, ideas, and insights on the VoipNow Platform as well as the Unified Communications and Telecom market.

"The definition of Unified Communications is constantly evolving. Bringing together all communication flows, including the social component is a top priority to 4PSA. We want to provide a friendly area to discuss about the latest progress in UC, exchange ideas, share knowledge and keep in touch with the most recent developments. Our editors will centralize the most important news in the UC field and make them available to the group.", said Elena Carstoiu, 4PSA's VP of Sales and Marketing.

To reflect the ongoing development of the VoipNow Platform as well as the evolution of Unified Communications as a whole, the group's reach has been extended to all service providers, integrators, end-users and technology enthusiasts willing to participate in and contribute to the next generation UC platforms.

"4PSA is working on bringing more than Social Communications to the VoipNow Communications Hub, simplifying the users' life and helping organizations stay better interconnected through web services. The open community profile reflects our vision of the evolution of the Social Unified Communications in the cloud. It's all about communicating, so please join us and share your thoughts.", also added Ms. Carstoiu.

Discussions on The Social Unified Communications Group will be open to all LinkedIn users. However, only members will be allowed to take part. The group is available at: http://www.4PSA.com/linkedin.

Posted on Jul 01, 2011  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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