F4W's Technology Improves Quality, Increases VoIP Connections via Satellite and Cellular by 500%

F4W announces a radical change in the way VoIP performs over low bandwidth or high latency connections, such as cellular or satellite. A tremendous barrier to accessing the power and flexibility of VoIP during a disaster event or in remote locations is the inability of traditional VoIP to connect and sustain a connection over a satellite or 3G / 4G cellular data connection due to the high latency of those types of networks. Add security concerns via the implementation of third-party devices and the ability to support a full-scale operation with VoIP becomes impossible.

However, all that has changed with F4W's Core technology. This software revolutionizes the use of VoIP, allowing for 10, 20, 30 or more simultaneous voice calls with no degradation in quality over any available network connection. Furthermore, F4W's Core technology is entirely secure, adding no burden to the call or requiring no additional hardware or software to implement.

F4W's technology has been developed from years of real-world, in-the-field emergency response experience, whether with a system or side-by-side with a customer, F4W has participated in every major event in the past six years.

Posted on Mar 30, 2011  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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