VoicePulse Announces SIP Trunking Interoperability with IPitomy IP PBX Products

VoicePulse announces interoperability with IPitomy's Pure IP PBX platform. IPitomy designs and manufactures a complete line of IP telephony equipment with an advanced feature set for businesses. IPitomy's PBX combined with VoicePulse's SIP origination and termination services create a complete phone solution for businesses of all sizes.

VoicePulse can now provide new customers using IPitomy's IP PBX with official configuration guides when setting up VoicePulse VoIP services on their PBX. Businesses using IP PBXs such as Digium's Asterisk, AsteriskNow, Fonality's PBXtra, trixbox, FreePBX, FreeSwitch, Switchvox, and now IPitomy can benefit from VoicePulse's competitive international rates, toll-free services, and failover features all on a "Tier 1" back bone network.
Posted on Aug 03, 2010  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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Intermedia Launches Hosted PBX VoIP Telephone Service

Intermedia launched its hosted PBX service. The service is VoIP-based and integrates with Intermedia's hosted Exchange email service -- enabling customers to access not only hosted PBX features such as unlimited domestic calling and extension dialing, but also unified communications features such as "voicemail to email" and "click to call."
Posted on Aug 03, 2010  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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