HD Voice: 'How to Select the Best Codec' Whitepaper from GIPS

gips_logo.jpgGlobal IP Solutions has published a whitepaper entitled "How to Select the Best Codec for HD voice." There is a growing demand for HD, which provides a more 'life-like' experience - on TVs, PCs, and telephones. HD voice promises rich collaboration applications, whether it's 1-to-1 phone calls or multi-party conferencing.

GIPS is synonymous with HD voice and developed the voice engines and codecs to overcome the inherent technical barriers of VoIP, which deliver the first-rate experience people have now come to appreciate. Consumers, Enterprises and SMBs are now in the driver's seat, as telephony application developers, service providers, and equipment manufacturers are looking for ways to answer the growing demand for HD voice.

This whitepaper examines the benefits of wideband codecs and describes the iSAC codec, a variable-rate wideband speech codec developed by Global IP Solutions. It also addresses the vast potential of HD voice, its market implications, and the issues that can come with offering HD voice relevant for enterprises, equipment manufacturers, application developers, and service providers.

Posted on Apr 21, 2009  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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