32.6 Million US Households will Subscribe to a VoIP Service by 2010

Research and Markets (http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/c35746) has announced the addition of the new eMarketer report "Consumer VoIP: A Fierce Battle in a Larger War" to their offering.

The $190 billion US fixed-line telephony market is up for grabs with cable companies, ISPs, Internet portals and pure-play VoIP providers all lining up to take a share of what has traditionally been the Telco's bread and butter. The companies that control the broadband connections are likely to come out on top.

Attention: Telecoms, Cable and Satellite Providers, Internet Portals, ISPs, Hardware and Software Manufacturers, Financial Analysts, Investors and Government Regulators.

The Consumer VoIP report rates the competition for the ears and mouths of the home telephony market.

Internet telephony is essentially a broadband phenomenon. The greater bandwidth that comes with a high-speed Internet connection has made real-time voice communications over the Internet a reality.

As broadband moves steadily towards replacing dial-up, the opportunity for voice-over-Internet protocol (VoIP) telephony will inevitably grow. eMarketer forecasts that by 2010, 32.6 million US households will subscribe to a VoIP service, equating to nearly 40% of all broadband households.

Who will get the business? Who will lose it?

Key questions the "Consumer VoIP" report answers:
  • How many VoIP subscribers are there in the US and worldwide?
  • Which companies are competing in the market?
  • What are the drivers for the sector?
  • How do the Internet portals fit into the VoIP picture?
  • What concerns do consumers have with VoIP?
  • And many more
The Consumer VoIP report aggregates the latest data from leading marketing and communications researchers with eMarketer numbers, projections and analysis to provide the information you need to make smart business decisions.

For more information visit http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/c35746

Posted on Apr 18, 2006  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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