Nationwide SIP Network

AccessLine Communications completed a multi-year migration of its telecommunications network to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) standard. Through leveraging its highly flexible SBC technology and sophisticated internal signaling, AccessLine can normalize complex SIP interoperation nuances and offer unified access to multiple VoIP domains via a single interconnection with AccessLine. The company is one of the first nationwide VoIP application service providers to invest in – and complete – nationwide network support for the SIP standard.

SIP is an open application-layer signaling control standard for establishing and terminating calls over a VoIP network. It delivers more architectural freedom to VoIP developers, allowing them to more easily and quickly develop network modifications for specific customers or specific applications.

“Each network service provider presents a different combination and permutation of the myriad options and capabilities that can be supported over a SIP interface,” said Jerry Knight, Chief Technology Officer for AccessLine. “AccessLine's customers can reap all the benefits in reach, availability, features and cost of multiple carrier interconnections via a single interconnection with AccessLine. This can save the customer years in time to market and technical effort that can be re-deployed on other more valuable initiatives. This is of particular importance to customers with large call volumes, where redundancy and availability are primary concerns.”

In addition to the unique “normalization function” that is inherent to AccessLine's SIP Network, AccessLine is able to deploy a much larger number of SBCs (Session Border Controllers) at a much lower cost than most other carriers. This simultaneously gives AccessLine both a cost and quality advantage. For customers of AccessLine’s hosted SmartVoice Service for business, this means that the benefits of advanced business telephone service are delivered at a fraction of the cost of competing services. AccessLine’s investment in its network migration to SIP means increased call quality, high availability and improved traffic efficiency.

Posted on Dec 11, 2006  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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