Vera Networks Launches Cloud-Based VoIP Call Flow Diagnostics Tool vCapture

Vera Networks announces the availability of its vCapture service that enables operators of VoIP networks and platforms to quickly locate and help resolve call issues.

The vCapture service provides technical teams with the ability to target call issue-related SIP signaling data with laser-point accuracy without being in critically sensitive areas of the network infrastructure. The non-invasive, cloud-based, SIP signal capture technology records all SIP messaging within a switching network. This allows for in-depth analysis of session initiation protocol SIP signaling data, including call flow, signaling, and equipment-related problems.

The cloud-based solution, offered on a monthly subscription basis, reduces the time required to determine the root cause of most VoIP call and interop-related issues, improving customer response times, resource utilization, and reducing related operational expenses. It boasts an impressive array of features including an intuitive interface and protocol-aware searching and filtering capabilities.

Vera's vCapture service is the first cloud-based SIP capture solution and is capable of storing massive amounts of SIP signaling data, which then allows for retrieval of actual call information long after an event occurred.

The service was introduced in Chicago at International Telecoms Week earlier this year, and received enthusiastic reviews from the carrier community.

Posted on Jul 30, 2012  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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