Speakeasy VoIP Available Over Any Broadband Service

speakeasy_logo.jpgSpeakeasy announced the company will now allow customers to choose their broadband provider with any of Speakeasy's voice services. Speakeasy has historically required voice customers to use Speakeasy broadband service for best quality of service. This new broadband service offering was created to give small businesses more flexibility to fit their specific needs. Speakeasy's policy is different from other companies in the industry, who either require customers to use their broadband service, or only offer off-net voice services.

Speakeasy is continually looking to provide more viable communications options that meet the needs of small businesses. In 2005, Speakeasy launched its hosted VoIP service and recently announced Integrated Voice to accommodate customers who want keep their existing phone system.

For customers currently in contract with another broadband provider, Speakeasy's new flexible voice option is a great opportunity to run high-quality Speakeasy phone service over the existing broadband connection. This allows businesses access not only to Speakeasy voice, but also Speakeasy's award-winning customer service without having to break a contract and switch broadband providers. For those not in contract, selecting Speakeasy to provide both services will offer the highest possible broadband and voice quality.

When paired with Speakeasy broadband, Speakeasy's voice services offer dynamically allocated bandwidth, with voice prioritized over data for optimal quality. When customers aren't utilizing their voice service, dynamically allocated bandwidth allows them to achieve the full speed of their connection. This is superior to the legacy channelized bandwidth still offered by many providers, which allocates a fixed percentage of bandwidth to voice and data, not allowing for flexibility in order to accommodate a user's needs.

Posted on Mar 10, 2008  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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