GIPS Co-Sponsors the HD Communications Summit

Global IP Solutions is sponsoring the HD Communications Summit in New York on Thursday, May 21. The HD Communications Summit will be exploring the issues and benefits associated with the widespread deployment of HD VoIP.

GIPS' Vice President of Engineering, Dr. Jan Linden will lead a key presentation that will provide an in-depth analysis on the expanding HD codec space and how to navigate the minefield of choices and the factors that differentiate the quality of HD voice.

The conference, produced by VoIP pioneer Jeff Pulver, is being held at New World Stages in New York City. "HD voice holds great promise as the future for VoIP," said Jeff Pulver. "Global IP Solutions is a pioneer in the VoIP space and we're pleased to see them contribute to the summit as we bring GIPS and other VoIP luminaries together to bring forward the vision of high definition VoIP."

To register for the HD Communications Summit and hear what GIPS has to say about the topic, visit

Posted on May 18, 2009  Reviews | Share |  Digg
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